STORIES · 11.09.18
Towards the end of September or early October, the daylight fades and the autumn equinox, heralds the transition to the new season, a time which has also traditionally been marked by celebration. Harvest means ‘gathering the food of the land’, and it is the time farmers would traditionally collect the fruits of the year’s planting, sowing and tending, to store food for the winter and give thanks for the gifts nature’s work has provided.
Harvest is a joyful time and at Daylesford we celebrate and give thanks for the rewards of the year’s work at our annual harvest festival. This year’s festival is taking place on Saturday 22 September.

The farm comes alive for a day of feasting and fun, with food stalls, games and plenty of opportunities to sample the best of the season’s produce.

For children there will be apple bobbing, circus performers, face painting, mini JCB tractor rides, and lots more.

Our Harvest Competition Tent is ready and waiting for your entries. There are competitions for best strawberry jam; best chutneys; best harvest vegetable; largest pumpkin, and for children under 12 there is a cake decorating competition.

Our Floristy team will be running workshops throughout the day, including flower crowns and hand-tied harvest wreaths.

I will also be signing copies of my book Nurture at midday. It is a fun day with something for everyone, and I hope to see many of you there. For more information and to book your place, visit: https://www.daylesford.com/events/harvest-festival-2018-cotswolds/