Seed volume 2 and the refuge in reading

Craft | Mindful Living | Sustainability

We recently released our second issue of Seed, the biannual magazine that I launched last year, which discusses, questions and celebrates different aspects of what it means to live sustainably. Our writers share the voices of those who choose to live and work in a conscious way – artisans, artists, makers and thinkers; pioneers in the fields of sustainability, farming, craft, wellness and travel – and in doing so we hope to provide knowledge and inspiration: to arm readers with an awareness of the reasons to consider a shift in their own behaviour and choices.

I thought long and hard about whether to send a magazine out into the world at this time. But in reflecting on my own experience of this isolation period, I know that books, magazines and reading material have been an enormous source of comfort to me, offering escapism, beauty, learning and an opportunity to reflect on our circumstances. And so my hope in sharing Seed now, is that it will offer the same for those of you that find that refuge in reading. 

This volume was originally scheduled to be published to coincide with London Craft Week and as such has a strong emphasis on craft and the artists and craftspeople that are helping to shape the future with their vision for a more sustainable way to live. As we look to that future and what the world may look like when this moment has passed, I find solace in their words and thoughts, which do offer much hope.

i hope that seed might remind us that when we emerge from this crisis, we must continue to celebrate the beauty that surrounds us and help heal the planet’s wounds

We applaud the efforts of the enterprises helping to clean our skies and airways by turning to alternative forms of energy or choosing to farm in a way that removes the polluting gases from the atmosphere. And we consider one of nature’s most majestic forms – the tree and the vital role that the lungs of our planet has in helping to heal its wounds.

But above all Seed is a celebration of nature and all that she provides. These past few weeks we have all watched and been grateful for the signs of nature regenerating – flourishing in the places from which we have receded – and so it is also my hope that Seed might serve as a gentle reminder that when we emerge from this crisis and look to find our feet in a new world, we remember that we need to preserve the beauty that surrounds us. 

With spring in full flow, I wanted to share one of the images from the magazine that celebrates the seasonal flowers and herbs we’ve all been enjoying lately. I put together this table setting inspired by the greens and whites of early spring. You can read more about my inspiration, why I love to make a table look special, as well as purchase some of the items for the table and this volume of Seed here. Of course, entertaining groups isn’t possible at the moment but whether we’re cooking for one, for our partner or for family or friends with whom we’re isolating, I believe it’s still important to take that time to set the table and make it look inviting. 

I hope you enjoy Seed. I would love to know what you think.