STORIES · 13.01.23
Mindful Living | Well-Being
I have been an advocate of sound healing for a several years now, but I still remember the wonder I felt after my very first session. I’m not sure what I was expecting but I came away deeply affected by it. I found the experience fascinating – mesmerising almost – but above all I left feeling profoundly relaxed and calmed.
You sit or lie down in a calm space and a gong and crystal bowls are played to you. You hear the sounds but you can also feel them through your body – certain frequencies correspond to different chakras and target different concerns within the body. And like the breath in a meditation practice, in a sound healing session (or a sound bath as they’re also known), the sound is the vehicle to relaxation. The notes and vibrations lull you into a meditative state, allowing you to slow down, focus your mind and truly switch off.
It’s an immersive, sensory and grounding experience, a chance to take time out and completely remove yourself from your everyday life. If you are looking to calm your mind in a different way this year, I encourage you to join one of our regular sound healing classes at Bamford’s London or Cotswolds spa.
Click here if you would like to learn more and book a session, or visit my Instagram page to see a video of what to expect.