STORIES · 14.01.16
Refreshing, vitamin-dense citrus fruit is something that I crave at this time of year and one of my favourite January rituals is to make a big batch of Seville Marmalade.
Not only is marmalade making tremendously rewarding for the whole family, it also creates a wonderful, uplifting citrus scent in your kitchen.

Simply scrub 3lbs Seville oranges and simmer with 6 pints of water for 90 minutes, until the skin is tender and the liquid reduced.
Scoop out the oranges, halve and remove the pips – tie the pips in a muslin bag to bob about in the mixture.
Cut the orange halves into strips, return to the pan and add 6lbs preserving sugar.
Stir until the sugar dissolves and boil until setting point is reached.
Leave for 15 minutes to settle before filling sterilised jars.

Sterilising Jars – top tip:
To sterilise your preserving jars or bottles, place them, open, on a tray in the oven at 100⁰C/gas ½ for 10 minutes. Fill them while still hot and immediately place the lids on top to get a good seal.